Ecumenical Senior Center
To Us, You're Family...
Your Home Away
From Home
Strong Bodies, Active Minds, Warm Hearts . . . .
We know that it is important to keep our seniors active, both in mind and body and we are committed to do whatever we can to promote positive aging among our guests. We know how easy it is for many seniors to stay at home and avoid socializing with their peers especially if they are experiencing health issues, limited disabilities or when they lack support systems of family or friends.
Research shows that nearly half of older Americans are malnourished or at risk of being malnourished and nearly 5 million Americans lack consistent access to enough food for a healthy life. Many factors, including, malnutrition, loneliness and social isolation can have grave consequences for older adult's health. Doctors report that social isolation is associated with higher blood pressure and earlier onset of dementia. Older adults who are socially isolated also face a greater risk of being targeted for abuse, neglect, or exploitation.
Beyond providing active programs for seniors to socialize, we also provide referrals and assistance to community resources. Many of our seniors come to us because they have established a trusting relationship with staff and volunteers at the Ecumenical Senior Center.
We assist our guests by being advocates to assure that our seniors have a voice in managing their own needs and care. Sometimes, we assist with completing complicated forms, making referrals to community agencies; provide awareness of services such as tax preparation or accessing shelters or emergency food programs. We provide transportation to medical appointments, trips to grocery stores and pharmacy's, or trips to referral organizations. Every Tuesday, we drive our guests to the beauty school to get their hair and nails done for free.
Our vision is to engage with the community to promote positive aging and enhance the quality of life for older adults. We are a vibrant community of seniors ranging from 60 to 95 years of age. We believe in having fun while we focus on building strong bodies, active minds and warm hearts.
If you are 60 years or older, we encourage you to come on by and check out the center. We take pride in providing a safe, warm environment where seniors can come to share quality time with friends. At the center, we always have something going on. Whether you want to hang out with friends and drink coffee or participate in activities such as bible study, exercise, arts and crafts or classes. You are always welcome. Check out our calendar page of upcoming events and get involved.
Hope to see you soon!
The definition of Ecumenical:
The original Greek root word, oikos, means "house," and that grew into the word oikoumenikós, which means "the entire world." Today it most often refers to bringing together people of diverse backgrounds and faiths.
We are proud to be associated with the word ecumenical that represents uniting organizations, individuals and communities of faith. We are an open and inclusive organization that celebrates and affirms the uniqueness’ of each person who enters our doors regardless of age, race, creed, national origin, religious beliefs, gender, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identification or political ideology.